12-04-24 - Congratulations on your Rainworker graduation...
Our team of social workers and doctors now have additional valuable tools for their work in the communities and schools
…In our Health Centre and Natural Healing Centre we treat sick people in need of medical help.
In our schools children from deprived Maasai and Meru families receive a valuable basic English education.
We support women’s groups, families in need, offer a loving home to orphans and help people in cases of emergencies.
Get to know our projects and come and visit us! Click here to see what accommodation we have on offer.
Our team of social workers and doctors now have additional valuable tools for their work in the communities and schools
…Excellent completion of the solar training program - the students are now allowed to gain experience in the Serengeti through…
International Montessori course - after 2 months of intensive work, our four teachers are back in Momella.