Educational outreach and support campaign

14.March 2021

We are following up on our educational outreach and support campaign from last May....

A quick update on how we are dealing with the increasing numbers of "respiratory illnesses" as it is called around here:

We have a lot of work in our naturopathic clinic. We provide hygienic education and recommend avoidance of large gatherings. Over the past few months, we have had practically no contact with this topic. But now the numbers are increasing drastically. We are following up on the campaign we did last May. We are reminding people of the need to wear masks again and to only go to the market when it’s absolutely necessary. When we started our campaign wearing masks was not yet allowed, but now it is also officially recommended. This makes our educational work much easier. There is no Kilimanjaro Marathon for our children of the KinderVilla this year and again they receive lots and lots of Moringa and Baobab to strengthen their immune system.  With great success, we are currently giving Ivermectin as prophylaxis and therapy to our employees, who are all doing well, as well as to patients who are sick. With that, along with naturopathic remedies and avoiding visiting cities, we are able to keep our team healthy at the moment. Our Maasai women are back in full force to harvest enough moringa for our team, the children and our patients.

Once again the country is facing a big challenge.